Do You Know Your Floor Condition Impacts The Floor Sanding Process?

If you have timber flooring in your home, it is important to understand how it impacts the floor sanding geelong process. Timber floors have a variety of different conditions and types of damage which can impact how they should be prepared prior to being sanded by a professional.

Some types of treatments and repairs may be more effective than others depending on what type of damage your timber floor has sustained over time.

Timber floor Damages

There are various factors that could damage your timber floor while floor sanding geelong and affect its overall appearance of it. These factors include:

  • Water damage, which may occur when water or any other liquid is spilled on a floor in an area where it cannot be absorbed by the timber (e.g., carpets).
  • Moisture content, which can cause warping and shrinking of a wooden floor if there is too much moisture present.
  • This can lead to cracks appearing in the finish of your flooring over time and discolouration from exposure to excess moisture levels in the air around it for extended periods (e.g., wet rooms).
  • Exposure to sunlight, particularly UV rays which tends to fade away colours over time – even protected ones!

Old Stains

You can remove the old stains from your floor. Just leave the job to us! The floor sanding geelong process will remove the stains from your floor. Don’t worry about removing those old stains from your floor because the expert will do it for you.

floor sanding geelong

Timber Flooring Type

Timber flooring is the most common type of wood flooring. It's made from solid pieces of timber that have been glued together to create a slab of engineered wood. Timber floors are generally created from pine, oak, aspen and beech trees.

Timber floors can also be manufactured using bamboo, teak or walnut timber. Here are some examples of timber flooring types:

Pine - pine has a light colour with plenty of natural grains and knots but only moderate durability. Pine is best suited to warmer climates such as Australia where there is less chance for moisture damage due to high levels of ventilation throughout the year; otherwise it will require regular maintenance including polishing every few years in order keep its appearance up-to-date if not replaced completely after approximately 20 years (depending on traffic).

Oak - oak has a strong colour range which allows homeowners more flexibility when choosing their palette; however, due to this versatility it can also lead homeowners astray when trying different designs on smaller areas such as bedrooms without considering how those designs will affect other areas like kitchens/living rooms etcetera which may have already been painted prior during renovations.

If you have any questions about what type of timber flooring you may have, or how to achieve the best results from your floor sanding geelong project then contact the team of experts.


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